“Diabetes normally sets in not as a disease but as a disorder for many of the reasons which we have stated in the causes of diabetes. But this disorder though not a disease, is a warning to be taken very very very seriously. Diabetes is a get way which invites many other disease and complications.
Most of the complications that occurs in diabetes is due to the continues use of Drugs .So all efforts should be made to reduce the risk of these condition by setting once life style in-order rather than usage of drugs. Due to some association a person with diabetes is likely to have high blood pressure (Hyper Tension), un-healthy cholesterol level. Hyper tension is more common in patient with Diabetes than with patient without diabetes. Diabetes patient are more likely to have heart problems and heart complications and also hardening of the arteries in both Type1 & type2 Diabetes( Diabetic Cardiomyopathy).
Disease of the Kidney is a very serious diabetic complication( Diabetic Nephrppathy). A lot of time diabetes leads to Kidney Failures. In case of Kidney failures, Dialysis is required. Kidney failures symptoms could include swelling of the feet and ankles, fatigue, itching and the color of the skin become pale.
Disorder of the nerve which is called Diabetic Neuropathy is the very serious complication in Diabetes. In this disorder nerve function are reduced or distorted.
Peripherals and Autonomicare the two main type’s Neuropathy. In peripherals the nerves in the toes, feet, legs, hands and arms are affected. This Neuropathy particularly affects the sensation. The Effects and Symptoms of Peripherals Neuropathy include Tingling-Weakness-Burning Sensation- loss of sense of warm and cold- numbness -Deep pain.
In Peripherals neuropathy due to numbness a patient may not be aware of minor wounds blisters or infections in the legs or feet and may pose risk for ulcers and, in usually severe cases, amputation. This in medical term is called Gangrene. Gangrene happens to diabetic patient mostly in the foot, since the diseases causes damage to the blood vessels and nerves, which result in the decreases ability to sense the trauma of the foot. In many cases there is a heavy alternation in the immense system of the patient which affects the efficiency to fight infection.
In Autonomic Neuropathy the nerve that helps regulate digestion, bowel movement, Bladder, Heart and sexual function are affected. Autonomic Neuropathy can cause digestion problem like constipation, Diarrhea, Nausea, Vomiting. It may also cause Bladder infections and frequent urinations may occur. It also causes Erectile Dysfunction heart problems Heart problems. Neuropathy may mask angina, the warning chest pain for heart disease and heart attack. Patients with diabetes should be aware of other warning signs of a heart attack including
+ Sudden fatigue
+ Sweating
+ Shortness of breath
+ Nausea and vomiting
Rapid heart rates Lightheadedness when standing up (orthostatic hypotension)
Controlling blood sugar is very necessary in the treatment of Neuropathy. If the blood glucose levels are controlled the progression of Neuropathy slows down. Risk factor of the heart normally increases the chances of developing Neuropathy. The necessary measure to prevent the onset of Neuropathy is to lower triglycerides in the blood vessels, lose weight, reduce blood pressure and for smokers it is very necessary to quit smoking.”
Blurred Or Reduced Vision Due To Retinopathy And Eye Complication
“One of the most complicated issues for a diabetic patient is Eye disorder known as Diabetic Retinopathy. This disorder effects adult in the age group of 20-75, which could also led to blindness. Diabetes patient are also at the risk of developing Cataracts and also Glaucoma. Retinopathy very often progress without any symptoms, which could make it spread into the Cavite of the eye or bleed into the back of eye, thus resulting in eye hemorrhage or Retinal detachment, which can again cause severe Visual loss or Blindness.
Chances Of Respiratory Infections
“Diabetes patients always face a very high risk for Influenza and its complication, which also includes Pneumonia.
This happens because the disorder neutralizes the effects of Proteins beings protected on the surface of the lungs.
This complication can be overcome if the diabetic patient takes vaccination against influenza and Pneumococcal pneumonia.
Infections Of Urinary Tract
“This complication is very significantly faced by women with diabetes. Normally women are at a higher risk for urinary tract infection, which possible gets more complicated and at times it is very difficult to treat then in the general population.
Diabetes Can Cause Depression
“The risk of depression in diabetic patients is double. These increases the risk for Hypoglycemia which is the condition due to low blood sugar, these occurs when blood glucose level falls below normal.
Sweating, Trembling, Hunger, Rapid Heart-beat are some of the mild symptoms of Hyperglycemia. They usually occur at moderately low and easily correctable levels of blood glucose.
Neurologic Symptoms such as confusion, weakness, disorientation, combativeness are due to severe low blood glucose level. Coma, Seizure and Death can happen in rare and verse cases.
For diabetic Patient Hypoglycemia which is common among Type 2 Diabetes. It is very necessary for them to recognize the symptoms to avoid the specific risk factors in both Type1 & Type2 Diabetes.
Some Other Complications
Carpal tunnel syndrome, for people who are odes there is danger of getting nonalcoholic fatty lever disease, Colorectal cancer, Uterine cancer
Complication Due To Diabetes In Women
“It is very important for women with diabetes to be aware of the type of medication they take since certain type of medication normally affects their blood glucose level. One such medication is the birth control pill, which in case of long term use of more than two or three years will not only raise blood glucose level but will put them into severe risk of health complications. Women diabetic patients run the risk of recurrent yeast infection. Thus vaginal lubrications is decreased and in terms of sexual health there can be pain or discomfort during intercourse.
Gestational Diabetes which in women is the temporary diabetes that occurs during pregnancy and existing diabetes in a pregnant diabetic patient can lead to birth defects. It is very important for women with gestational or pre exciting diabetes either type 1 diabetes or type 2 diabetes, while becoming pregnant should maintain good glucose control at least three to six months before pregnancy and at the same time monitor their blood sugar levels regularly during pregnancy. Insulin dosing needs of type 2 diabetic women can be effective during pregnancy and doses of insulin may need to be adjusted during and following the delivery. Diabetic women run an increased risk of premature menopause which at times can be reasoned for heart complication.