Nurturing Nature to Wellness

BiOMAP is a Non-Government Organization (NGO) which is headquartered at Bidar, Karnataka,India. The acronym BiOMAP stands for Bidar Organization for Medicinal andAromatic-plants Promotion.Bidar is a hill top city in the north-eastern part of Karnataka state in south India. It is the headquarters of the Bidar District which borders Maharashtra and TelanganaThe district extends from latitude 17.35’N to 18.25’N and from the longitudes 76.42’E to 77.39’E[7] which is located on the northern maidans of Karnataka. In Bidar the Medicinal Plant Conservation Area (MPCA) has been established .It is established by the Karnataka forest department and the Foundation for Revitalization of Local Health Traditions (FRLHT) jointly. Overall about 193 medicinal plant species area found in the MPCA. It is home to highly endangered species Pterocarpus santalinus the Rakta chandana and Gloriosa superba. The most important are Hollorhina antidyssentrica and Santalum album. The presence of large number of medicinal plant species has helped the locals to take the advice of Nati vaidyas in the surrounding villages in case of any health problem.
BiOMAP works in the area of training, awareness, research, production and processing of natural wealth medicinal and Aromatic plants for the social health wellness and empowerment.
It mainly focus on formulating herbal products for Diabetes , BP, Acidity , Immunity Enhancement and various other health related challenges faced by human being .
BiOMAP came into existence in year 2004 with following twin core aim, which differentiate it from other organisation in the field of medicinal and Aromatic Plants
To develop the natural products from the extract of well researched medicinal and aromatics plants to prevent and manage diabetes and various other health related challenges.
To provide training , awareness and consultancy to the farmers/ growers for Medicinal and aromatics for economic and social empowerment of farming community in the country

Nurturing Nature to Wellness

Jiyo Diafreen
“JIYO DIAFREEN” is wonder product from the house of BiOMAP meant for Diabetes mellitus .It also helps in the management of high Blood pressure, acidity and acts as an anti-oxidant…

Uniqueness Of Jiyo Diafreen
Even though the sugar level is controlled by taking any allopathic medicine or any medicines, the Diabetics are living with following diabetes related complications

Our product is having efficacy to prevent and also to manage the diabetes, effectively without any inherent complications related to diabetes and even to stave off from the life threatening complications like diabetic.
Diabetes Awareness
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

In 2013 while I was planning to leave Rourkela. During that period I was having high sugar level which was uncontrolled even after taking medicines. I met with my very good friend and well wisher Mr. Sukdeb Panda who knew about my sugar case and suggested me to take a different approach and finally convinced me to take JiyoDiafreeN. Honestly, I was not that convinced as a result I sometimes ignore it. Anyway time passes by and after 2 yrs I landed up having fasting level above 300 and my creatinine level increased to 2.06 which was alarming. Suddenly out the of blue Mr. Sukdeb Panda called me at my Kolkata resident and informed me that the Scientist Dr. R. K. Singh, the founder and national promoter of JiyoDiafreeN is visiting Kolkata for a seminar and promotion. I communicated with him and invited at my house and requested him to deliver some valuable information about cause and effect of diabetes and how to come out of it..He accepted my invitation and did the same that I was planning. There he saw my report and bit worried however he suggested me to take JiyoDiafreeN religiously and increased my doses. I got the result within a month. My sincerely thanks to Dr. RK Singh for his valuable suggestion and putting me in better health situation… All my pathological reports are attached herein. Sugar level dropped down to 103 (Fasting) and 137 (PPBS)

“My father started using Jio diafreen since last 2 months and now his diabetes fasting level has come down from 160 to 115. Also his hearing power has improved a lot. Thanks for the magical invention.”

“This is the Blood test report of Mr Madan Mishra from athmallik Angul Odisha. after using Jiyo DiafreeN.He have been using Jiyo DiafreeN since 18 th June 2016 . His uncontrolled SUGAR & Triglyceride. FBS -201mg PPBS-348mg HbA1C-9.52% TRIGLYCERIDE (TG)-302mg DATE-15.09.16 FBS -115mg PPBS-138mg HbA1C-7.8% TRIGLYCERIDE (TG)-180mg DATE-13.10.16 FBS -84mg PPBS-114mg HbA1C-6.4% TRIGLYCERIDE (TG)-137mg And Now (2ND FEBURARY 2017) test report is absolutely normal.i.e FBS -96mg PPBS-122mg HbA1C-5.6% TRIGLYCERIDE (TG)-115mg Many congratulations to him for achieving this miracle result.”

“This is the Blood test report of Mr Madan Mishra from athmallik Angul Odisha. after using Jiyo DiafreeN.He have been using Jiyo DiafreeN since 18 th June 2016 . His uncontrolled SUGAR & Triglyceride. FBS -201mg PPBS-348mg HbA1C-9.52% TRIGLYCERIDE (TG)-302mg DATE-15.09.16 FBS -115mg PPBS-138mg HbA1C-7.8% TRIGLYCERIDE (TG)-180mg DATE-13.10.16 FBS -84mg PPBS-114mg HbA1C-6.4% TRIGLYCERIDE (TG)-137mg And Now (2ND FEBURARY 2017) test report is absolutely normal.i.e FBS -96mg PPBS-122mg HbA1C-5.6% TRIGLYCERIDE (TG)-115mg Many congratulations to him for achieving this miracle result.”
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